The BS&B BPAV set pressure is controlled by a precision buckling pin that is calibrated to respond to the forces generated by inlet pressure acting on the valve plug. When the pin activates, the valve plug lifts to achieve a full diameter flow area. The BPAV has a soft seat. Standard valve materials are carbon steel and stainless steel for process contact components. Special materials are available upon request.
- 1 x 1.5 inches (25 x 40mm) to 8 x 10 inches (200 x 250mm); larger sizes available upon request
- Full bore relief for maximum flow capacity; 0.8 coefficient of discharge/Kd = 0.8 for gas, Kd = 0.686 for liquid
- Fast acting
- Set pressure independent of back pressure, suitable for variable back pressure applications
- Operable to 90% of set pressure – no simmering
- Suitable for gas, liquid and two-phase flow
- Higher flow capacity than equivalent sized relief valve
- ANSI/ASME – EN/DIN – JIS and GOST flange compatibility
- ASME “UD” stamped, Section VIII, Division I
- Pressure Equipment Directive “CE” marked